
Like what you're seeing on another organization's page? This membership sharing tool allows you to work smarter, not harder to gather more content and resources for your site. There are two ways you can utilize sharing, membership sharing & page sharing.

Another key feature to note here is when the original organization you are pulling shared content from updates their content (I.e. adds new content or replaces old content with new material), you automatically get those updates as well.

Membership Sharing

Membership sharing allows you to copy another organization's app content and add it as a page on your app. To do this, simply reach out to the organization you wish to pull from and obtain their "Membership Share Token".

To share a token, go to the home tab, click "edit" next to the organization's name, and you should see a "Membership Share Token" that can be copied, pasted, and shared. Once you have the membership share token, create a page as you normally would (see the pages section of this document). Once your page is set up, click on the "Advanced" section of the settings at the bottom of the screen. Copy and paste the share token given to you by the other organization into the "Membership Share Token" line. Click "save" to complete the sharing.

Page Sharing

Page sharing allows you to pick and choose the pages from another organization's app and copy them to your app. Like membership sharing, simply reach out to the organization you wish to pull from and note which "Page Share Token(s)" you would like to obtain.

To share a token, click on the pages you wish to share, click "edit", and you should see a "Page Share Token" in the top right hand corner that can be copied, pasted, and shared. Once you have the page share token, create a page as you normally would (see the pages section of this document). Once your page is set up, click on the "Advanced" section of the settings at the bottom of the screen. Copy and paste the share token given to you by the other organization into the "Page Share Token" line. Click "save" to complete the sharing.